Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.
Accessing Manage Hierarchy
The suite of management tools is accessible via the “Manage” button on the left navigation pane on
the Diligent main page. Leaving your mouse over the “Manage” icon will display the “Hierarchy”
button in the expansion menu on the right.
Once in the Manage Hierarchy screen select “Edit”, the green pencil under the Actions column, for the
hierarchy with unassigned data that you would like to map.

Mapping Unassigned Data within a Hierarchy
1. Once the correct hierarchy has been selected for edit, navigate to the Export/Upload tab.
2. A user can filter by company or by the levels of the hierarchy to limit the number of elements
that are exported.
3. Once the data has been filtered how you would like it, hover over the "Excel Options" drop down in the lower right corner of the image below and click "Export." This will download the hierarchy to your computer, where you will be able to open the file and make changes.
4. Below is an example row of what you will see upon opening the file.
5. You are able to make changes to Levels that were added to the hierarchy (You cannot change the Company, ID, or Name data within the hierarchy mapping.
a. The hierarchy will typically start with the most gross data in the first Lvl (Lvl 0 in this case) and become more granular as each level progresses.
6. Anytime a new hierarchy level is created, it will automatically populate as "Unassigned." You can choose to just update the "Unassigned" values if you would like, or you can change previously mapped items if needed as well.
a. To do that, you just type in the cell where you would like to see the change.
b. You have the option to use the filters to find specific items in which you would like to see mapped differently.
7. Once you have changed the hierarchy mapping to match how you would like, you are now ready to load the file back into Diligent.
8. Save the file in a place where you can easily find it (e.g. Your desktop or downloads).
9. Navigate back to Diligent and hover over the "Excel Options" tab again. Instead of clicking Export, click "Upload" this time.
10. Click "Select file" and choose the file that you saved.
11. Once the file has validated, select "Process file." The system will run through a validation of the file to make sure it is able to read each of the lines to be imported.
a. If the validation is successful, the changes will show up in green.
b. If the validation is unsuccessful, the changes will show up in red and you will be given
instructions on where to look to correct the error.
13. After the file has processed, you should navigate to the 'Support' tab within Diligent and click 'System Status.'
14. Within 'System Status' you will want to click 'Run Job.' Once the job has run, you will see that the Cube is no longer current. Click 'Refresh Financial' or 'Refresh Profitability' depending on which cube is not current. After clicking refresh, you should see that everything is green and current, as seen in the screenshot below.
The changes have now been pushed through the cube and you are set to refresh any files you are working in!
Relevant Links:
Adding levels to an existing hierarchy
Missing Hierarchy in Excel Cube
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