Tom S

  • Total activity 73
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Recent activity by Tom S Recent activity Votes
  • PivotTable report is invalid error

    Error message: This PivotTable report is invalid. Try refreshing the data (On the Analyze tab, click Refresh). Invalid PivotTable Report Error Description: This error occurs because of hierarchy c...

  • OLAP and Enable Content Errors

    Error message: Excel cannot find OLAP cube. Either the OLAP database has been changed or you don't have permissions to connect to the cube. Consult your database administrator. OLAP / Macros / Enab...

  • Excel Time Out Error

    Error Message: MS Office has timed out while receiving or sending data, please close the window and attempt the operation again. If the issue persists, please contact your system administrator. Mes...

  • Macro Enabled Spreadsheets

    Error Message: Anything related to Microsoft Excel Macros. Note: As of 2022, Microsoft will begin to harden security for Macro Enabled documents and Trusted Locations, eventually sunsetting Macros ...

  • Adding a level to an existing hierarchy

    Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.  How to add a level to an existing hierarchy?   Within Diligent, navigate to the 'Manage' tab and then select 'Hierarchy.'...

  • Cube Session Timeout or Cube Structure Rebuild

    Error message: XML for Analysis parser: The 'xxx' session ID cannot be found. Either the session does not exist or it has already expired. Session ID Cannot Be Found Error Description: This messag...

  • Web Server Application Pool

    Error message: XML parsing failed at line 1, column 9: DTD is prohibited. Data Prohibited Error Description: This is a rare issue related to a broken IIS Application Pool. Solution: Contact EBM Su...

  • Cube Updater Fails

    Error message: Upload Failed: Invalid Hyperlink: Malformed URI is embedded as a hyperlink in the document. Invalid Hyperlink in Cube File Description: You'll experience an error message when attem...

  • EBM Office Bridge is Blank

    Error message: No error message. The EBM Office Bridge interface will appear blank. Empty Office Bridge Interface Description: This can happen when attempting to open a new cube file and not being...

  • Missing Field in Pivot Table

    Error message: No error message. You'll see text missing from the Measures section in the PivotTable where it should read "Activity". You may also have luck following the steps in the adjacent help...