Tom S

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Recent activity by Tom S Recent activity Votes
  • How do I export large amounts of data?

    Exporting data in Diligent  Exporting data can be useful for providing flat extracts to potential buyers. This task can be managed by your Diligent / Blue Ops Representatives or can be done via sel...

  • Hierarchy Management

    Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.  This article contains the following topics:  What is a hierarchy?  How do I add a new hierarchy in Diligent?  What's an ...

  • How do I add a new hierarchy?

    Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.    Hierarchies are a helpful tool to layer in summarization over the detailed core fields in the dataset such as customer,...

  • Scenario Management Overview

    Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.  Manage Scenario Overview  The Manage Scenario tool allows Administrative Users to create, manage, lock/unlock, and adjust...

  • Managing Unassigned Hierarchy Elements

    Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.  Accessing Manage Hierarchy  The suite of management tools is accessible via the “Manage” button on the left navigation pa...

  • File Upload Center

    Note: This function is typically managed by your Blue Ops representatives.  The File Upload Center is your hub for uploading any file that contains data you want introduced into the Diligent equati...

  • Connection Cannot Be Made

    Error message: Either a connection cannot be made to the server or Analysis Services is not running on the computer specified. Server Access Error Description: This error is caused by an access is...

  • Invalid User Credentials

    Error message: This PivotTable was created in a later version of Excel and can't be updated in this version. To update it, click OK, and then open the workbook in the version of Excel it was origin...

  • Microsoft VBA Error

    Error message: Microsoft Visual Basic code execution has been interrupted. Unknown Visual Basic for Application Error Description: This error is a common and unknown error with Microsoft Visual Ba...

  • Out of Memory Errors

    Error message: We couldn't get data from the external source. Here's the error message we got: Memory error: Allocation failure - Not enough storage is available to process this command. If using a...