Tom S

  • Total activity 73
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Votes on activity by Tom S Recent activity Votes
  • MS Office Processing Timeout

    Error message: MS Office has timed out while receiving or sending data, please close the window and attempt the operation again. If the issue persists, please contact your system administrator. Tim...

  • UserForm_Initialize - Web Browser Excel Fail

    Error message: UserForm_Initialize - Method 'RegisterAsBrowser' of object 'IWebBrowser2' failed.  Excel Web Browser Object Error when using Cube Description: When attempting to use a Diligent...

  • Excel Upload Bug - File Doesn't Validate or Process

    Error message: When uploading from Excel, the subsequent Diligent dialog window is missing processing/validation options or indicators.  Diligent File Upload Window is Missing Validate/Process B...

  • Website Blocked by Internet Explorer at Login Screen

    Error message: Content from the website listed below is being blocked by the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. IE Security Error Upon Opening a Cube File Description: Users will r...

  • Database Driver Operation Issue

    Error message: An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed. If the driver is a Microsoft driver, make sure the driver file isn't damaged, and if it is, reinstall the driver by...

  • Data is in the Cube that Shouldn't be Present

    Error message: Data shows up in the Excel cube file that doesn't exist in Diligent. Where is this data coming from? Cube showing non-existent data Description: Users will unexpectedly see data tha...

  • Process Deadlocked

    Error message: Transaction was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. Transaction deadlocked due to another process run...

  • Cancelled by User Error

    Error message: Operation cancelled by user. Error when attempting to change a filter setting in a row or column Description: Can sometimes occur when attempting to manipulate a filter field in a c...

  • Missing Hierarchy in Excel Cube

    As great as Microsoft Excel is and has been for all of us, we all know it can also create some unique frustrations. One of its issues is its ability to maintain network connections to its files ove...

  • Excel Quits Unexpectedly or Requires Microsoft Login

    Error message: Either Excel will spin and eventually timeout and shutdown or it will require a new login through a Microsoft SharePoint dialog login window.  SharePoint Login Window Required After ...